Can You Eat Poached Eggs When Pregnant Australia

Eggs are a concentrated source of protein and vitamins, including A, B2 and D as well as iron. All that and one egg only has about 100 calories. So, they are an incredibly nutritious choice of food that will keep you full for longer, but remain low in calories.

Poached eggs are a particular favourite of ours as they are so versatile. Have them for breakfast as Eggs Benedict served with lovely hollandaise, with Salmon and crispy potato cakes for dinner or add them to a simple salad for lunch - the options are endless. And, since they are cooked in water, and there is need for additional fats in the pan, they are the healthiest choice of egg.

If you love poached eggs but always end up with strings of white and a nearly separate yolk in the pan, then follow our method and top tips for a more successful result.

Top Tips:

  • Always use the freshest eggs you can find. The fresher the egg, the more gelatinous the white, the more likely it is to set in one piece when poaching
  • Make sure your eggs are fridge cold
  • Always break your egg into a cup or ramekin first- this is one of the most important bits, do not break the egg directly into the pan as the white will run because you've dropped it from a height. You also can't fish out any broken shell if you're a heavy handed egg breaker!
  • The whirlpool is an integral step as it helps wrap the white around the yolk
  • It's important that the egg is lowered into the water, not dropped from a great height, otherwise it will separate as soon as it hits the water
  • If poaching multiple eggs, always change the water after 4 eggs
  • You can use the tip of you finger or a teaspoon to check if your egg is cooked, rather than relying strictly on cooking times. The white around the edges will feel quite firm, whereas the point above where the yolk is will still feel relatively soft
  • Always season your poached egg afterwards, rather than seasoning the cooking water

    If you're poaching eggs for multiple people:

    You can poach up to four eggs at a time if you get them into the water while it is still swirling. They might take a little longer to reach the desired consistency if there are multiple eggs in the pan.

    You can also poach eggs up to a day ahead to make it less of a last minute pressure. Follow the instructions below, but cook the eggs for only 2 minutes until just set and then plunge directly into a sealable container filled with cold water. Cover the container and store in the fridge until needed. When ready to use the pre-poached eggs, fill a saucepan half full with boiling water over a medium heat (adding all the eggs will bring it down to a poaching temperature quickly). Gently lift all the eggs out of the cold water using a slotted spoon and plunge into the boiling water. Allow them to continue to cook through for 2 1/2 minutes.


    1. Fill a wide saucepan half full with boiling water, adding 1tbsp vinegar to each 600ml of water.
    2. Carefully break the egg into a cup or a ramekin.
    3. Lower the heat to a simmer, with just a few small bubbles still rising and breaking the surface.
    4. Make a whirlpool in the water using a slotted spoon. Allow the whirlpool to almost subside and then gently lower the egg into the centre of the whirlpool.
    5. Cook for 3-4 minutes for a soft-medium egg, 2 minutes for really soft with a bit of gooey white.
    6. Gently lift the eggs out of the pan with a slotted spoon and move to a warm plate lined with kitchen towel or tea towel to get rid of any excess water. Serve.

      Once you get really confident with this method, you can remove the vinegar from the process if you don't like the slightly tangy taste it leaves. The vinegar helps in the first few seconds of poaching, because it speeds up the coagulation of the egg white, making it less likely to run into streaks. However, a seasoned egg poacher can just rely on the whirlpool to seal the egg white to the yolk.

      Now that you know you can serve up perfect results, put your new skill on show with these delicious Good Housekeeping poached egg recipes:

      Poached haddock and egg
      Making a pan sauce is a quick way to give a simple meal a luxurious touch

      Poached eggs with mushroom and pesto
      An ultimate brunch time treat for any vegetarian. Portobello mushrooms really make this dish special

      Avocado and poached eggs on toast
      Who doesn't love avocado on toast? Add a poached egg and you have a breakfast that will really keep you going

      Smoked haddock risotto with poached eggs
      A real classic. The smokey flavour of the haddock pairs perfectly with a poached egg

      Salmon, crispy potato cake and poached egg
      Impress your dinner guests with this elegant meal. They'll never guess it's got only five ingredients!

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      Can You Eat Poached Eggs When Pregnant Australia


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