My Family Treats Me as Though It Is Wrong to Ask Help From Them

Read the text and tick (V) the statements that are mentioned in the article.


"Why can't our kids just get forth? Why must they always fight?" Parents get tired of the grouse, teasing, competing. They can't empathise why their children can't exit each other lone, and just exist friende. "Who needs it?" parents ask. The answer is "the children exercise." Fighting is not a sign of children not getting along. It is how they get along - using conflict to examination their power, establish differences, and ventilate emotion. Children compete for dominance, parental attending, parental support, and household resource. Who gets what? Who does what? Who goes first? Who gets most? Who's right? Who's all-time? When we are children, our brothers and sisters - are our first friends and first enemies. The effect of sibling relationships in childhood tin can last a lifetime. Many experts say that the relationship among brothers and sisters explains a great deal well-nigh family life, especially today when brothers and sisters ofttimes spend more time with ane another than with their parents. Studies have shown that sibling relationships betwixt sister-sister pairs and brother-brother pairs are unlike. Sister pairs are the closest. Brothers are the almost competitive. Sisters are usually more supportive of each other. They are more talkative, frank, and ameliorate at expressing themselves and sharing their feelings. On the other manus, brothers are usually more competitive with each other. The major exception to this is identical twins for whom similarity creates an unusual intimacy. The more than alike they are, the closer they feel. The closer they feel, the more than alike they want to become. They can feel incomplete in absence from each other, they can have unspoken means of knowing what is going on in each other, and they may even construct a secret language between them that no one else understands. Experts agree that the relationship amongst siblings is influenced by many factors. For case, studies take shown, that both brothers and sisters become more than competitive and aggressive when their parents treat them fifty-fifty a little scrap differently from one another. Just parental handling is not the only factor. Genetics, gender, life events, people, and experiences outside the family all shape the lives of siblings.

i. Parents become tired of siblings statement.  2. Parents quite sympathize their children.  iii. Parents want their children to leave them lonely ( оставить в покое ). 4. Children fight for potency and parent'south attention. 5. Fighting means that children cannot go along. 6. Siblings are our oldest friends in life. 7. Some siblings accept good relationships, but other siblings have bad relationships. 8. Sibling relationships are amid the almost of import relationships in life. nine. Sisters go along improve with their sisters than with their brothers. ten. Females and males generally accept different sibling relationships. 11. Siblings spend a lot of time together considering they have to. 12. In that location are many causes of adept and bad sibling relationships. thirteen. Research has shown that siblings hate to fight. xiv. When parents treat each child a little differently, the children become forth better.

to look through the answers.

2) Work in groups of iii. Share your feelings most having\not having siblings, utilize the expressions beneath.

 to keep someone company\ to look alike\- to get on someone`s nerves\ to be abrasive\ to wait out for someone\ to feel bad\ to make someone weep\ to get on well with someone\ to fight most everything;- to be upset.

Why Family Rows are Good for You

1) The blazing arguments and poisoned silences of family rows and something that well-nigh everyone has been through at some point. Many people practice their best to avert such conflicts, but are they wasting their fourth dimension? A Cambridge University study suggests that arguments between mothers and their teenage girls are actually a sign of a salubrious relationship. Many other psychologists agree, and say teenage boys should too exist having shouting matches with their onetime folks. They suggest it`southward those unnerving families who never have a cross word that we should actually experience sorry for. Rows are seen equally part of a normal, constantly changing human relationship and provide teenagers the chance to show that they are no longer piddling girls and boys, but are becoming mature.

2) Scientists say the reality Idiot box show The Osbournes provides merely ane case to support their findings. Mother Sharon and daughter Kelly engage in frequent, intense rows, only nearly e'er kiss and make up – and have a close bond, co-ordinate to Sharon. You lot don`t have to expect likewise far to find other examples of difficult parent-child relationships. Violinist Vanessa Mae employed her mum equally her managing director before sacking her for being "too competitive". And one row between a young Sophie Dahl and her female parent Tessa , which ended in Sophie sobbing in the street, led to her being spotted by a model scout.

three) "Rows between parents and teenage children are part of family unit life and, while they tin can be upsetting, are not normally something to worry about", says psychologist Carole Haston. "It is the abiding stress and anxiety caused past these rows that we don`t want to have". Although arguments tin can get a bit heated, if you lot reach some kind of conclusion and observe a way out of a problem, they are worth having. She says that in families where there are no arguments, people are keeping their feelings to themselves. And that`s unhealthy.

4) But while the psychologists say nosotros`re doing well if we row, there are those who believe we`ve all the same got plenty of hidden feelings we`re dying to permit out. Turn on any lather opera and it`due south unlikely you have to wait long before the characters exchange heated words, frequently to the please of millions of viewers. She says, " People watch soaps because in real life they spend their time trying to avoid conflicts. We similar turning the Tv on and seeing people saying all the things nosotros don`t cartel to say to the people close to us".

i) Read the text and match the titles with the paragraphs.

a) Professional person commentary

b) Study results

c) Television therapy

d) "Existent life" examples

eastward) Peaceful silence

2) Lucifer the words with the definitions:

1) a row

a) to deal successfully with a difficult situation or job

2) statement

b) a noisy argument or fight between two or more people

three) cope with

c) to hash out a program or situation in a detailed manner

4) a talk through

d) a disagreement between people or groups

5) conflict

e) an aroused disagreement between two or more people

6) to sob

f) to deliberately try to make someone angry

vii) provoke

g) to weep noisily, making loud, convulsive gasps

8) blazing

h) showing a lot of anger or emotions, with the intensity of a burn down

9) unnerving

i) angry discussion

x) crow word

j) making someone nervous or frightened

11) to back up

k) to notice

12) to spot

fifty) to requite support

3) Combine the words from the ii columns and use them to brand up sentences concerning family unit conflicts.

to win

all the options



to avoid


to be in




to come into


to cope with




to get into


to take




to lose

to provoke

to talk through



Sometime people are always saying that the young are not what they were. The same comment is fabricated from generation to generation and is always truthful; it has never been truer than information technology is today. These days, grown-ups describe children as «hard», «rude», «wild» and «irresponsible». Only some people say that they will abound up to make our country a ameliorate place. For kids from 8 to 14 a new term «tweens» has recently been coined. They are no longer children nor however teenagers, but between – tweens. They are said to exist a generation in a fearful hurry to grow up. Instead of playing with Barbies and Legos they are interested in the vagaries of love on TV serials. Girls article of clothing provocative make-upwards. At this very age kids start pairing off. Tweens accept got an insatiable desire for the latest in everything – from jeans with labels so that everyone will know that they've got the latest stuff – to CDs. Kids at their historic period badly need to belong and that'south why everything comes down to advent. They think that having the correct «stuff» is the quickest fashion to acceptance. To parents and teachers they can exist a nightmare, aping the hairstyles, clothes and make-up of celebrities twice their age. Experts say that the blitz to grow up is due to the mass media. Beingness raised by single-parent families equally well as watching Idiot box, which sucks up most of their free time, can besides accelerate the desire of children for beingness independent and creates behaviour problems. Simply the virtually painful role of childhood is the menses when they brainstorm to emerge from it: adolescence or the awkward age. There is a complete lack of self-confidence during this time. Adolescents are over conscious of their appearance and the impression they make on others. They feel shy, awkward and clumsy. Feelings are intense and hearts – hands broken. Teenagers feel moments of tremendous elation or black despair. And besides friends are condign more and more of import these yeas. At schools at that place are cliques who decide what is «cool». Adolescents may insubordinate violently against parental authority, but this causes them peachy unhappiness. And they are non always helped to get through a confusion of life in a steady, productive way. Just even teenagers with sympathetic and supportive parents can autumn in with bad company.
         Most children don't vest to any clubs and they simply starting time roaming the street after school out of sheer boredom. A lot of them become addicted to drugs and/or alcohol because their life is hollow and they don't recall of life-long goals. They have nothing to fill the emptiness of their souls with. They demand to have all that they run across, and regard it every bit their right to be entertained every waking moment.
         And besides our lodge is becoming more than and more stratified. In that location has appeared a class of rich people and a class of poor people (to be more verbal – people leaving beneath the poverty line). Children of well-off parents consider themselves «the smart set» or «gilded youth». Their parents give them every fabric benefit, pocket money any time they ask. A lot of these children accept their own make-new cars and personal computers. It goes without saying that it causes jealousy and the desire to possess the same things on the office of children whose parents are poor and cannot afford it. Such feelings can button teenagers to committing a crime and information technology leads to a wide spread of juvenile malversation.
Nowadays children start using computers very early. Tweens and teens are and then fascinated by them that they spend hours and hours at their personal computers or at calculator clubs. The electronic universe replaces their contacts with friends and dominates their life completely. Obsession with computers brings well-nigh a mechanical, disillusioned mentality and inhibits their emotional development. The heads of youngsters are also being filled with violent pictures they have seen on TV. Children are very naive and impressionable. And no wonder that they are then aggressive and big-headed in real life. They are thrown into such a harsh world, specially if they alive in a city. These days a lot of parents think that they should be lenient with their children, they should let them notice out about life for themselves, they should leave children to develop their own idea of right and incorrect. Just it's a grave error. Parents should endeavor to protect their children from possible bad influences and give them clear guidance nearly right and wrong.
There is no manner to predict how today's children will plow out. Keeping organized religion in kids is necessary. They are not bad. They are optimistic. They wait to have a better life than their parents'. And grown-ups – if they are prepared to admit it – could learn a thing or ii from their children. I of the biggest lessons they could acquire is that enjoyment is not «sinful». Enjoyment, is a principle yous could use to all aspects of life. It is not incorrect to savor your piece of work and enjoy your leisure, to shed restricting inhibitions. It is surely not wrong to live in the present rather than in the by or future. This emphasis on the present is merely to be expected because the young take grown up under the constant threat of Globe War Iii, which means complete annihilation. This is their «glorious» heritage. Tin can nosotros be surprised that they question the wisdom and sanity of their elders?

Discussing family unit history

Read the dialogue, attempt to explain the expressions in bold.

Host: The birth of children in a family causes many people to think dorsum to previous generations. Unfortunately, many of united states of america know very little about our ancestors. Only some people have proven how much we can learn if nosotros are really interested in our family history.

John: That`s truthful. Information technology is surprising what can exist unknowingly handed downwards through a family.I realized I knew almost cipher even most my great grandparents and I started out to find out about my family. I was lucky, because I found a lot of information in our local archive and from talking to some of our distant relatives. What I discovered did actually requite me a sense of knowing who I was.

Jean: Yes, It`s a scrap like reading a thrilling historical novel! If you can find out which of your ancestors lived through a particular era, yous`ll notice the history of that time actually comes alive. It gives you a feeling you are a part of it. I was really surprised how much one can learn from quondam newspapers and archives. I`ve managed to observe a paper trial for my family back to near 1803. I went back to the places they lived and it took me back in time.

Host: This is all really fascinating, merely many people can`t spend the time in archives, and libraries may not take the necessary information. What would you advise them to do?

Julie: When I started my research I realized how much I can learn at home, just looking through old photos and some onetime things that are effectually in every family house. I`ve discovered a lot of postcards in my grandmother`due south business firm, all with these wonderful messages on the back. It`s all role of the family inquiry.

And, of course, the internet – a lot of curious facts can exist found at that place: annal references and articles from newspapers.

Jean: Yep, you are correct, only you know I experience we should talk more to our relatives – our grandparents. They do have a lot to tell u.s.! It gives you a sense of belonging to a family unit and helps you understand yourself amend. That`s exactly what has happened to me! It stimulated in me the desire to find out equally much as I could nigh the family. I call back it adds to your identity. It gives you a sense of who you are and where y'all`ve come from. Information technology puts y'all in context.

2) Friction match the verbs with the definitions.

1) to paw out

a) to remind someone of smth in the past

2) to discover out

b) to recall about smth that happened in the by

3) to starting time out

c) to be born in a particular place, to vest to a particular family or a social group

four) to become back

d) to give knowledge and skill to smb who is younger than you and volition live on after y'all have died

5) to come alive

eastward) to remove smth from a pocket, purse, etc.

6) to take smb back

f) to render to a person, place, subject field or action

7) to take out

g) to observe a fact or piece of data

8) to think back

h) to seem to still be

9) to come from

i) to intend to do smth, to begin doing smth


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